Transparent Transparent


Specialist transport and lifting of equipment cabin at site with restricted access.

Specialist transport and lifting of equipment cabin at site with restricted access.

Helicopter transport of materials for maintance contract.

Helicopter transport of materials for maintenance contract.

Remote tower site construction utilising ATV.

Remote tower site construction utilising ATV.


Effective Communication

The key to the success of any business is effective communication.

It is extraordinary that often the poorest communication is found within organisations associated with communications.

As a business we require to communicate effectively within our own company, and with our clients, in order to be successful.

We endeavour to do this as follows:

  • Set out and agree clear lines of communication within our company and between companies with whom we are engaged in a contract.

  • Install and agree designated points of contact.

  • Install written procedures for communications within contracts.

  • Set up regular meetings with all relevant parties involved in a contract.

  • Review communication of information on a regular basis.

  • Implement and agree changes to above where required.


We require our customer’s perception of our company to be as a team who all work together. When we are engaged in a contract with a client we want to encompass our team within their team to form one project team. This we have found from experience to be the key any successful projects, all team members must work and pull together.


We are a company who pride ourselves in being innovative and we believe in offering more than one solution to any given problem.

We are constantly looking at the efficiency and effectiveness of what we are doing and how we can implement new techniques and alternative ways of carrying out tasks.

We like to promote innovative solutions to our clients, as there may be benefits on offer as follows:

  • Safety

  • Quality

  • Cost

  • Marketing

  • Programme

  • Efficiency


© 2001 Alder.

T +44 (0) 1786 880 951
M +44 (0)7740986632

Transparent Transparent